deus ex machina - under the hood
‘In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.’ - Peter Thiel
Deus ex machina, Latin for "god from the machine," is a plot device where an seemingly insurmountable problem is suddenly resolved through an unexpected external intervention. It represents a contrived solution that feels unearned within the story's established logic and rules.
Sometimes in reality, we witness what appears to be deus ex machina moments - dramatic turning points in someone's life that seem to come out of nowhere. But I believed such things wouldn't happen to me. It was a natural assumption. After all, there's no such thing as magic.
Every outcome has its process under the hood. If we want real change, we need to have skin in the game. We must be willing to take risks and embrace both the rewards and responsibilities that come with them.
Every choice has its upsides and downsides. What seems like a local optimum from our current perspective might actually be a global minimum in the bigger picture. At critical inflection points in life, if we don't take risks and make our own choices, someone else will make them for us. This is a sad outcome, because they too are players operating within their own game theoretical framework.
why don't you play your game and make your own choices and embrace both responsibilities and rewards?